Account APIs
Account APIs are a way to pull Account content into other areas of the website.
APIs utilize special tags to instruct the system on what information to retrieve.
Get Account API
The Account API provides a way to get the information about the public account holder that is currently logged in.
Minimum Tag
{{ _api.account.getAccount.template('template-key') }}
API Tag Parameters
Parameter | Description |
template t |
Required if responseFormat is not 'data'. The template key of the template to use. If this is not passed when it's required then nothing will be returned. In some cases, by not passing this parameter you will get just the raw data back. You an alternately use the short form "t" instead of "template" Type: String Examples: template('template-key') |
Account Form Submissions API
The Account Form Submissions API gets the form submissions that are associated with an individual account. When you setup a form you have the option of allowing Accounts to view their form submissions. If that is turned on then the logged in Account holder is associated with that form submission and you can retrieve those form submissions with this API.
Minimum Tag
{{ _api.account.accountFormSubmissions.templateId('3') }}
Example Tags
Get submissions for a specific form
Specify the formId to limit submissions to a single form.
{{ _api.account.accountFormSubmissions.templateId('3').formId('3') }}
Limit to the 5 most recent draft submissions
You can enable saving submissions as a draft for a single form. If that's turned on then you can get submissions that are in a draft status.
{{ _api.account.accountFormSubmissions.templateId('3').limit('5').submissionStatus('draft') }}
API Tag Parameters
Parameter | Description |
accountId |
The ID of the account to get submissions for. Defaults to the current logged in account. Type: Integer Default Value: The ID of current logged in account Example: accountId('3') |
allowEditingSubmissions |
Whether or not to include the "edit submission" link. Type: String Accepted Values: yes, no, true or false Default Value: yes Example: allowEditingSubmissions('yes') |
dateFormat |
The date format to use for the submission date. Type: String Default Value: l, F j, Y Example: dateFormat('M).d,).Y') |
field |
Array of form field names to filter results by. This will limit form submissions to those that have the specified value for that field. Type: Array Example: field[field_name]('FieldValue').field[field_name_2]('fieldValue2') |
formId |
The ID of the form to get submissions for. If not set then submissions for all forms that are associated with the account will be returned. Type: Integer Example: formId('4') |
getValues |
Whether or not to get the submitted field values for each submissions. Defaults to 'no' to be more efficient. Type: String Accepted Values: yes, no, true or false Default Value: no Example: getValues('yes') |
limit |
The number of form submissions to get. Type: Integer Default Value: 50 Example: limit('20') |
offset |
Required The pagination offset to get submissions for. If it's set at a value other than 0 then it will be multiplied by the limit value to get the starting record index. Type: Integer |
submissionStatus |
The submission status to limit submissions by. If not set then all submission statuses are retrieved. Type: String Accepted Values: draft, complete |
timeFormat |
Required The time format for the submission time. Type: String Default Value: g:i a Example: timeFormat('H:i') |
Account Login Form API
The Account Login Form API gets the HTML for the account login form that can be embedded into a page.
Minimum Tag
{{ _api.account.loginForm.templateId('1') }}
Example Tag
Get the login form:
{{ _api.account.loginForm.templateId('1') }}
API Tag Parameters
Parameter | Description |
template t |
Required if responseFormat is not 'data'. The template key of the template to use. If this is not passed when it's required then nothing will be returned. In some cases, by not passing this parameter you will get just the raw data back. You an alternately use the short form "t" instead of "template" Type: String Examples: template('template-key') |
Account Register Form API
The Account Register Form API gets the HTML for the account register form that can be embedded into a page.
You must specify the id of the Account Form to use. The first step would be to create a new Account Form where the form type is "Register". After it's created you will see the form id in the right-most column when viewing the list of Account Forms.
Form templates are managed under the "Templates" tab when you are viewing the form details. Use the "Template key" value for the template parameter.
Minimum Tag
{{ _api.account.registerForm.formId(3).template('template-name') }}
Example Tag
Get the register form:
{{ _api.account.registerForm.formId(3).template('template-name') }}
API Tag Parameters
Parameter | Description |
formId |
Required The ID of the Account Form to use Type: Integer Example: formId(3) |
template t |
Required if responseFormat is not 'data'. The template key of the template to use. If this is not passed when it's required then nothing will be returned. In some cases, by not passing this parameter you will get just the raw data back. You an alternately use the short form "t" instead of "template" Type: String Examples: template('template-key') |