Debugging Twig Templates
There are times when you are working in a content layout that you need some more information about the variables available on the page. There are a few ways to do that.
Debug one variable
You can use the debug filter or the dump function to debug one variable.
{{ variable|debug }}
{{ dump(variable) }}
You can set a label for the debug output by passing a parameter to the debug filter.
{{ variable|debug('Debug Label Here') }}
Debugging for emails
If you are debugging email templates (like the form notification email) then you should use the debug_email filter. It will format the debug output so that it is usable in emails.
{{ form.fields|debug_email('Fields') }}
Debug multiple variables at once
You can pass multiple variables to the dump function and each one will be debugged.
{{ dump(variable, variable2, variable3) }}
Output all variables
If no parameters are passed to the dump function, then the system will output all variables available to the template.
{{ dump() }}