Twig Operators

Miscellaneous operators

There are a few operators that don't fit into a category.

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Operator Description

The pipe charactor | applies a filter.

{{ profile.firstName|capitalize }}

{% if item.itemName|lower == 'my name' %}
{% endif %}

{{ post.content|truncate_html(100) }}

{{ name|lower|truncate(20) }}

Note that best practices call for no spaces before and after the pipe character.


The .. operator creates a sequence based on the value before and after the operator. It's the same as the range function.

{{ 1..5 }} is the same as {{ range(1, 5) }}

If you are combing this with the filter operator then you need to use parentheses due to the operator precedence rules mentioned above.

{{ (1..5)|join(', ') }}

Iterate over a sequence of numbers with the for tag.

{% for i in 0..10 %}
    {{ i }}<br>
{% endfor %}

The above will output all numbers from 0 to 10 with each on a new line.

You can do a similar thing with letters.

{% for letter in 'a'..'z' %}
    {{ letter }}<br>
{% endfor %}

The .. operator can take expressions (filters) at both sides

{% for letters in 'a'|upper..'z'|upper %}
    {{ letter }}<br>
{% endfor %}


The ~ operator converts the value to the left and right of it to strings and concatenates them.

Assuming that profile.firstName is "John" the following would output "Hello John!".

{{ "Hello " ~ profile.firstName ~ "!" }}

You can aso use ~ when setting values.

{% set field.class = field.class ~ ' newClass' %}


?: is the ternary operator. It can be used in it's long-form or short-form.

A ternary operator is basically a condensed version of an if/else statement.

Long form

If the variable exists, output it. Otherwise, output something else.

{{ variable ? variable : 'Variable does not exist' }}

If the test is true output something, otherwise output something else.

{{ profile.firstName == 'Bob' ? 'You are Bob' : 'You are not Bob' }}

Short form - option 1

{{ variable ?: 'Variable does not exist' }}

The above code is the same as 

{{ variable ? variable : 'Variable does not exist' }}

Short form - option 2

{{ variable ? "it exists!" }}

The above code is the same as

{{ variable ? "it exists!" : "" }}


?? is the null-coalescing operator.

If the left value is defined and not null then it will be returned, otherwise returne the value on the right.

{{ variable ?? "value does not exist or is null" }}


The following comparison operators are supported in any expression: ==, !=, <, >, >=, and <=.

You can also check if a string starts with or ends with another string or use a regular expression.

If you are comparing one variable to another you would use the following syntax:

{% if variableA == variableB %}
{% endif %}

Note that both variables are referenced by their name only, quotes are not used, and {}} is not used.

Operator Description

Compares the left value equals the right value.

{% if value1 == value2 %}
{% endif %}

Note: = is used for setting values. You must use two equal signs, ==, to check for equality between values.


Compares the left value to the right value to see if they are not equal.

{% if 3 != 5 %}
{% endif %}


Compares the left value with the right value to see if the left value is less than the right value.

{% if 3 < 4 %}
{% endif %}


Compares the left value with the right value to see if the left value is less than or equal to the right value.

{% if 3 <= 4 %}
{% endif %}


Compares the left value with the right value to see if the left value is greater than the right value.

{% if 4 > 2 %}
{% endif %}


Compares the left value with the right value to see if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.

{% if 4 >= 2 %}
{% endif %}

starts with

Checks to see if a string starts with a certain value.

{% if 'BranchCMS' starts with 'Bran' %}
{% endif %}

ends with

Checks to see if a string ends with a certain value.

{% if 'Aptuitiv' ends with 'tiv' %}
{% endif %}


Use a regular expression to check a value.

{% if phone matches '/^[\\d\\.]+$/' %}
{% endif %}


The in operator lets you see if the left value is contained in the right value.

Operator Description

The in operator performs a containment test.

It returns true if the left operand is contained in the right.

Testing for a value in an array

{% if 1 in [1, 2, 3] %}
{% endif %}

If your array is contained in a variable you could do something like this:

{% if 'value' in myVariable %}
{% endif %}

Testing for a value in a string

You can test to see if a string contains a specific substring.

{% if 'cd' in 'abcde' %}
{% endif %}

If your string is contained in a variable you can use do the following:

{% if 'string' in myStringVariable %}
{% endif %}

Negative tests

To perform a negative test you can use the not in operator.

{% if 1 not in [1, 2, 3] %}
{% endif %}

{% if 'string' not in 'This test text' %}
{% endif %}


You can combine multiple expressions with the following operators. These are typically done with the if tag.

Operators are case-sensitive.

Twig also supports bitwise operators (b-and, b-xor, and b-or).

Operator Description

Returns true if the left and the right operands are both true. Alternate syntax to &&.

{% if 1 > 2 and 3 == 3 %}
{% endif %}


This operator is unique to Aptuitiv. It is not part of the core Twig functionality.

Returns true if the left and the right operands are both true. Alternate syntax to and.

{% if 1 > 2 && 3 == 3 %}
{% endif %}


Returns true if the left or the right operand is true. Alternate syntax to ||.

{% if 1 > 2 or 3 == 3 %}
{% endif %}


This operator is unique to Aptuitiv. It is not part of the core Twig functionality.

Returns true if the left or the right operand is true. Alternate syntax to or.

{% if 1 > 2 || 3 == 3 %}
{% endif %}

Note, this is two pipe characters |


Negates a statement. It can be used with any of the tests. Alternate syntax to !.

{% if not 'Bear' ends with 'x' %}
{% endif %}

{% if 1 not in [1, 2, 3] %}
{% endif %}

{% if number is not even %}
{% endif %}


Negates a statement. It can be used with any of the tests. Alternate syntax to not.

{% if not 'Bear' ends with 'x' %}
{% endif %}

{% if 1 not in [1, 2, 3] %}
{% endif %}

{% if number is not even %}
{% endif %}


Twig allows you to calculate with values. The following operators are supported.

Operator Description

Adds two numbers together. If the values are not numbers they are cast as numbers).

{{ 1 + 1 }} is 2.


Subtracts the second number from the first one.

{{ 3 - 2 }} is 1.


Divides two numbers. The returned value will be a floating point number.

{{ 1 / 2 }} is {{ 0.5 }}.


Calculates the remainder of an integer division.

{{ 11 % 7 }} is 4.


Divides two numbers and returns the floored integer result.

{{ 20 // 7 }} is 2, {{ -20 // 7 }} is -3

This is just an alternate format for dividing and then using the round filter.


Multiplies the left value with the right one.

{{ 2 * 2 }} = 4


Raises the left value to the power of the right value.

{{ 2 ** 3 }} = 8


The is operator performs tests. Tests can be used to test a variable against a common expression. The right operand is the name of the test. See the Tests page for a full list of available tests.

Operator Description

The is operator test a variable against a common expression.

{% if number is odd %}
{% endif %}

{% if foo.attribute is same as(false) %}
    the foo attribute really is false.
{% endif %}

{% if users is iterable %}
    {# users is an array #}
    {% for user in users %}
       Hello {{ }}!
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    {# users is probably a string #}
    Hello {{ users }}!
{% endif %}

Negative tests

Tests can be negated by using the is not operator.

{% if count is not even %}
{% endif %}

See the Tests page for a full list of available tests.

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