The import tag is used to import macros into the current template.
There are three ways to import a macro into a template.
- Import the entire template containing the macros.
- Import macros from the template into the current namespace.
- Define the macro in the current template and use the special _self variable to import.
For our example let say that we have a template file located at macros/forms.twig within our theme folder. In that template are two macros that output different form field types.
{% macro input(label, name, value, type, size, placeholder) %}
<label>{{ label }}
<input type="{{ type|default('text') }}" name="{{ name }}"{% if value %} value="{{ value }}"{% endif %} size="{{ size|default(30) }}{% if placeholder %} placeholder={{ placeholder }}"{% endif %}>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro textarea(label, name, value, rows, cols) %}
<label>{{ label }}
<textarea name="{{ name }}" rows="{{ rows|default(10) }}" cols="{{ cols|default(50) }}">{{ value }}</textarea>
{% endmacro %}
The easiest and most flexible option is to just import the whole macro template into the current template.
{% import 'macros/forms' as forms %}
<form action="/page" method="post">
<p>{{ forms.input('User Name', 'username') }}</p>
<p>{{ forms.input('Password', 'password', null, 'password' }}</p>
<p>{{ forms.input('Your Name', 'name', null, null, 40, 'Enter your full name') }}</p>
<p>{{ forms.textarea('Address', 'address') }}</p>
Alternately, you could import names from the template file into the current namespace.
{% from 'macros/forms' import input as inputField, textarea %}
<form action="/page" method="post">
<p>{{ inputField('User Name', 'username') }}</p>
<p>{{ inputField('Password', 'password', null, 'password' }}</p>
<p>{{ inputField('Your Name', 'name', null, null, 40, 'Enter your full name') }}</p>
<p>{{ textarea('Address', 'address') }}</p>
Importing macros in the same template file
If you define a macro within the same template file that will use it then you can import all macros in the same template using the _self variable instead of the template name.
{% macro input(label, name, value, type, size, placeholder) %}
<label>{{ label }}
<input type="{{ type|default('text') }}" name="{{ name }}"{% if value %} value="{{ value }}"{% endif %} size="{{ size|default(30) }}{% if placeholder %} placeholder={{ placeholder }}"{% endif %}>
{% endmacro %}
{% import _self as fields %}
<form action="/page" method="post">
<p>{{ fields.input('User Name', 'username') }}</p>
<p>{{ fields.input('Password', 'password', null, 'password' }}</p>
<p>{{ fields.input('Your Name', 'name', null, null, 40, 'Enter your full name') }}</p>
Using a macro within another macro
If you want you use a macro within another macro you first need to import the macro locally.
{% macro input(name, value, type, size, placeholder) %}
<input type="{{ type|default('text') }}" name="{{ name }}"{% if value %} value="{{ value }}"{% endif %} size="{{ size|default(30) }}{% if placeholder %} placeholder={{ placeholder }}"{% endif %}>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro inputField(label, name, value, type, size, placeholder) %}
{% import _self as fields %}
<label>{{ label }}
{{ fields.input(name, value, type, size, placeholder) }}
{% endmacro %}